Sunday, March 04, 2007

I was in the Whole Foods cafe, microwaving my organic lasagna and getting ready to settle down with my sweet library book about a missionary who goes to Central Papua and is faced with a tribe who likes to cannibalize each other's peace sacrifices (in this case, children), when the guy who I had just beaten to the microwave started talking to me. He seemed vaguely all right, despite the bizarre opening of his conversation ("Are you with her?" Me: "Who?" Him: "That girl over in the checkout line." Me: "No, why?" Him: "Because you're both tall! You're both so tall! Are you Dutch? Dutch people are so tall. In Holland, there's like these 6'4" blonde chicks walking around everywhere.") and I didn't immediately try and extricate myself.

BUT, this was a mistake:
After he had found out that I had just returned from Indonesia ("Indonesia? Are you really Indonesian? Oh, you were just working there. Were you the tallest person there?") he asked me what I was planning on doing now that I had returned. I said that I wanted to try and work in a zoo, with primates.
And he said, "Oh, those monkeys are gonna probably remind you of the people you taught in Indonesia, huh?"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW indeed. Did you slap him?