Monday, July 14, 2008

Having lived in a studio apartment for a year, I fear I have become a complete psycho who is now unfit to cohabitate with any other living being. However, beginning in August, I will no longer be able to:

-use my dresser as a dirty clothes hamper and my floor as a closet
-hang resolutions (exercise-wise and otherwise) and notes to myself all over the walls
-perfect vocal tracks by singing the same 4 second line into the microphone at top volume over and over and over again for 3 hours
-flesh out article ideas in the shower by having a two-sided conversation with myself
-justify not being able to cook by protesting that I live in an efficiency and only have two burners and no oven
-justify not doing dishes by protesting that my sink is practically too small to fit my hands in, let alone days of dirty dishes
-ride out bad moods by hiding from everyone I know for a week
-watch America's Next Top Model at top volume... that's just too embarrassing
-walk around naked, of course

Most bullets on that list are invisible, because they are too embarrassing to list, just as they would be too embarrassing to perform in a house with another person, rendering this entry sort of pointless.

1 comment:

Dan Reynolds said...

but you will have free and accessible internet for a while :D