Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Anyone ever had their nose get numb when getting cavities filled? I hadn't until last week. It's like your nose is filled with shaving cream or something, but you can breathe through it, so it feels like you're snorting shaving cream up into your brain every time you take a breath! Breathing through your mouth isn't an option because you have a bite wedge, a piece of cotton, a mirror, a sucker, a drill, a rinser, and two hands, if not three, in your mouth, and you do not want the chance, however slight, of accidentally breathing one of these things into your lungs. Having a bite wedge lodged in a lung is way, way, WAY worse than the mere sensation of snorting shaving cream. Not that I ever thought I'd have to make that choice. It's like a 'Would You Rather?' question that would never come up in real life.

But now it has.

Other 'Would You Rather?' questions I thought would never come up in real life, but did:

Would you rather, as a three-year-old, eat fried fish eyes or be ridiculed by your uncle forever for turning down the dare? (answer: eat fried fish eyes)

Would you rather, as a nine-year-old, risk cheating on a history test, or just accept the 95% you would have gotten otherwise? (answer: risk cheating, because 95% IS NOT PERFECT)

Would you rather, as a panic-attacky thirteen-year-old, play your super-exciting bass solo in a concert, or run offstage and hide behind the stairs? (answer: hide behind stairs)

Would you rather, as a twenty-four-year-old, eat a concoction with the consistency and flavor of snot mixed with quail egg, or disappoint the expectant Japanese chef who is staring at you? (answer: loudly and honestly proclaim the delectableness of everything else on your plate while shoveling sashimi into your mouth and hiding the bowl of snot behind the platter of sashimi)

And of course, the big one:

As a sixteen-year-old, would you rather live with your father or your mother? (answer: oscillate wildly until college, then ignore the question)

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