Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bragging time!... because this is my blog and I can brag if I want to, brag if I want to, brag if I want to.

I managed to fit everything I needed for two months into one little rolling suitcase and a purse!  Goodbye, slogging around foreign countries weighed down like a beast of burden with strap marks on my shoulders.  Conversely, hello, skipping spryly... or something.

The most vivid memory of my whole drooping life being on my back is from Mexico, setting bravely off on a journey of undetermined length in a direction we thought was the ocean, oozing with sweat, camping backpack so piled with towels and books and bathing suits that it reached above my head.

Luckily, some teenagers came by and gave us a ride in their pickup, so I was able to soon toss my life-in-a-bag onto a mosquito-netted hotel bed.  But I wasn't looking forward to repeating that feeling in August in tropical climes.  And now I don't have to. 

Julian is another story, with his Travel Scrabble and his computer and his PSP and his actual physical stacks of physical CD's.  Oh yes, there is one person left in the world who still listens to a discman and that person is Julian.

But that reminds me that, really, I shouldn't be attributing my amazing packing talents to anything but the wonders of smartphones, seeing as how my iPhone encompasses my music, my camera, my books, my computer, my games, and my notebook.  What else is there after that?  Clothes, shoes, the toothbrush family, a passport or two...

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